Primary Eye Care Associates

Tips for Reducing Pain After LASIK Surgery

Jan 18, 2016 @ 04:10 PM — by Dr. Steven Chander
Tagged with: Lasik

At Primary Eye Care Associates in Chicago, we have helped countless patients achieve excellent vision thanks to LASIK, a laser vision correction surgery perfect for refractive errors.

While LASIK yields excellent results, there are side effects that patients have to deal with as part of the recovery process. With that in mind, here is how patients can reduce pain after undergoing LASIK.

About LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery is a form of laser vision correction that is designed to improve the passage of light through the eyes so it focuses properly on the retinas. The LASIK procedure involves the creation of a small flap in the topmost portion of the cornea. By lifting this flap, the rest of the corneal shape can be properly revised.

Soreness and discomfort of the eyes is a common side effect associated with LASIK. Let's consider how this pain can be reduced as patients recovery from surgery.

Avoid Eyestrain in the first 24 Hours

In the first 24 hours after undergoing LASIK, patients can avoid serious issues with eyestrain and weak eyes if they get ample rest. This means that patients should avoid any activities that may result in fatigue of the eyes, including reading, watching movies or TV, using the computer or a mobile device, and so on.

Ways to Combat Serious Light Sensitivity

The eyes are very sensitive after undergoing LASIK surgery, which means any kind of bright light or direct sunlight and lead to serious discomfort for a patient. In order to avoid serious problems with light sensitivity, patients should wear sunglasses when they are outdoors. A hat with a brim is also helpful for preventing serious pain and discomfort.

Dealing with Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common side effect of many eye surgeries given how the nerves or the cornea are affected. Dry eye can be quite uncomfortable, which is why it's important that patients carry liquid tears with them at all times after their surgery. Having lubricating eye drops in the months after LASIK is a simple way to address sudden attacks of dry eye as they arise.

Preventing Eye Irritation

Another good tip for dealing with dry eye is to avoid situations that may trigger an episode. This means patients should do their best to avoid dry, dusty, smoky, or pollen-filled environments when possible.

Use Your Medicated Eye Drops

LASIK patients are often given medicated eye drops to help fight infection and ensure a speedy and problem-free recovery. It's important that you use these medicated eye drops as directed as they will help reduce pain and discomfort and keep your eyes as healthy as possible.

Pre-Op and Post-Op Instructions Are Key

Patients will be given ample instructions to follow before and after they undergo laser eye surgery. It's of the utmost importance that you follow all of these instructions to the letter to keep chances of complications low and to help with a speedy recovery.

How Long Will the Eye Soreness Last?

Not that long.

In general, the soreness and light sensitivity after LASIK surgery will be noticeable for a few days, though patients will notice these issues steadily improve by the end of a week or so. Dry eye problems can persists for weeks or months, though there is steady improvement with these matters over time.

Contact the Team at Primary Eye Care Associates

For more information about LASIK and how it can help you have excellent vision, it's important that you contact our team of eye care and vision correction specialists today. The team here at Primary Eye Care Associates looks forward to your visit and helping you have the best eyesight possible.