Primary Eye Care Associates

What Are the Side Effects of LASIK Surgery?

Oct 18, 2015 @ 11:23 AM — by Dr. Steven Chander
Tagged with: Lasik Side Effects

The team at Primary Eye Care Associates is proud to help people in and around Chicago achieve the best vision possible. This can often be achieved through LASIK surgery, a state-of-the-art laser treatment for myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

LASIK is highly effective, though like all surgeries, there are side effects following the procedure that are part of the natural recovery process. Let's consider these matters in more detail right now.

Knowing the Side Effects of LASIK Is Important

Before you undergo any kind of surgery, it's always best that you understand all of the risks and benefits that are involved. Having these in mind will allow you to make a confident decisions about the procedure, and give you a sense of personal empowerment when it comes to your health care decisions.

Side effects are not uncommon, and in fact they are usually the signs that your body is healing properly. Knowing what to expect as you heal means realistic expectations about the eye care procedure.

Irritation of the Eyes

Itchiness or irritation of the eyes is a common side effect of LASIK. This is to be expected since a flap is created on the corneal surface and takes time to heal. Discomfort is normal, and should abate after a few days.

Light Sensitivity

Following LASIK surgery, patients will notice that they are especially sensitive to bright lights. This includes sunlight as well as harsh lighting indoors. The light sensitivity will diminish over the course of a weak, though patients may notice that the sun and sharp lights make them uncomfortable. In the first days or so after LASIK, it's a good idea for patients to wear sunglasses as well as a hat with a brim to help protect their eyes from bright light.

Glare, Halos, and Starbursts

Glare, halos, and starbursts are common as your eyes heal from LASIK. These are the result of your eyes adjusting to the adjustments to the cornea as you heal. Thanks to custom LASIK technology, issues such as these will typically abate after a few weeks. Patients should notice improvements with each passing week.

Poor Night Vision

LASIK can affect your contrast sensitivity as you heal, especially at night. It can be hard to distinguish certain objects in the dark, especially if you're looking at lights or reflective colors. It's generally a good idea to avoid driving at night, relying on friends for rides or mass transit to get around. These issues should only last for a few weeks.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Many people suffer from dry eye after they undergo LASIK surgery. This is because LASIK affects the nerves of the cornea that in turn aid in tear production. These nerves heal and tear production often returns to normal after a few weeks. While healing, it's a good idea for patients to carry liquid tears with them at all times in order to moisturize their eyes during a dry eye attack. Avoiding smoky, dusty, pollen-filled, or dried places can also help control dry eye.

Find Out If LASIK Is Right for You

If you are interested in LASIK and would like to find out if you are an ideal candidate for refractive surgery, we encourage you to contact our laser eye care and vision correction center today. The team here at Primary Eye Care Associates looks forward to your visit and helping you achieve the best possible vision.