Primary Eye Care Associates

Thank You For Another Year

Dec 31, 2014 @ 10:40 AM — by Dr. Steven Chander
Tagged with: New Years Eve 2014

Now that another year has ended, Primary Eye Care Associates would just like to say THANK YOU for letting us provide you with the best possible eye care in 2014. We know you have your choice in eye care but we truly appreciate you placing your trust in us.

We really want you to know that every moment from helping save someone’s vision to helping someone choose a new frame that they feel great in is what really makes our year special. When a patient leaves here seeing and feeling better than when they came in, we know that our mission is being accomplished.

If we didn't get a chance to see you this year our doors will be open all next year! Speaking of next year, we need a really big favor to make 2015 even better. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on how we can serve you better Mario, our Marketing Coordinator, would love to hear them. Email with anything on your mind. Feel free to mention any Frame brands you would like to see brought in, any services we should add or make better, ANYTHING. Every comment and suggestion will be taken with great consideration.

Most importantly, have fun tonight, be safe, and enjoy the day off tomorrow! Best of luck with all your resolutions and we wish you a great 2015!!!