Primary Eye Care Associates

Do You Have Itchy Eyes?

Apr 25, 2013 @ 12:01 AM — by Dr. Steven Chander
Tagged with: Allergic Eyes Eye Allergies Red Eyes Irritated Eyes Watery Eyes

 We Are experts on Eye Allergies!

 There are many types of allergies that patients suffer from.  Here's a brief guide and description of the different kinds of allergies.  Only Dr. Chander can determine which treatment regimen is right for you.  Stop by the clinic for a complimentary allergy analysis today!

 Seasonal Allergies

Typically eyes will itch during the spring, summer or fall.  This is due to "allergens" that your body (eyes) are super sensitive to and cause histamine to build up.  Histamine is chemical produced by the body that causes itching in the nose and eyes.

 Year-round allergies

Some patients are senstivie to different allergens, all year round.  Dander from cats and dogs can also contribute to these frustrating symptoms.  Certain testing using special dyes placed in your eyes to study the tear film can help Dr. Chander determine what type of allergies you have and what treatment regimen would work best for you through out the year.


Children as young as two can experience eye allergies.  Rubbing of the eyes is the most common sign, along with swollen red eye lids and the white part of the eye looking red and glassey like.  Because they may rub without knowing their own strength serious and permanent consequences affecting vision can occur.  It is best to treat the symptoms directly with proper medication mostly in the form of eye drops. 


Typically, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, it is best to be treated about 3 weeks prior to the typical onset of the symptoms.  For spring allergy sufferers we recommend staring a dose of anti-ithcing eye drops in March.  July or August for Fall sufferers.  Some medication is oral (most are over the counter) many are anti-inflammatories; and many are great anti-itching drops that can last 16 hours of relief with one simple dosage (most are available by prescription only)


Call 773-735-6090 now if you are suffering from itchy watery red irritated eyes for immediate relief!