Primary Eye Care Associates

Complimentary Glaucoma Screenings All Month Long

Jan 5, 2012 @ 12:25 PM — by
Tagged with: Glaucoma Vision Loss Blindness

In honor of National Glaucoma Awareness Month, Dr. Chander will be providing complimentary screenings all month to new patients. As you know, all of our current patients are already getting screened for glaucoma at every yearly exam. This a time for people who are over due for their exam or have never had an exam to get a free glaucoma screening.

“Glaucoma is a disease of pressure in the eye that can cause the eye nerve to slowly die. The result is a slow painless permanent loss of vision. Because there are no symptoms, Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness in our country”, explained Dr. Chander. “With early detection, routine monitoring, and timely treatment vision can be saved in more than 90 percent of those who would otherwise become blind from the disease. That’s why it’s important for all of us to have regular eye health examinations every year”. The screening will involve vision and eye pressure testing, and Dr. Chander will provide a review of your results in written format for you to keep for your own records.

If you are interested, or know a family member or friend that needs a screening, please call, or have them call, 773-735-6090 and ask for Mario. Many appointments are available all month for the screenings and we're waiting for your call.

You have nothing to lose but your vision so please call soon.